Zuspielung (1, Tonband)
"Playing musical instruments is always associated to the motions of respiration and therefore to the notion of “breath”. “Odem” is an old german word for “breath”.
This composition (originally the soundtrack for a video piece) takes samples along with spectral and time transformations of unusual(ly) played instruments (pieces of styrofoam on glass and clarinet played at very low volume) to abstract this association. Only very faintly the natural movements shimmer in the depths of sound – of one cycle of deeply breathing in and out."
Thomas Grill, Werkbeschreibung, Homepage des Komponisten, abgerufen am 30.11.2023 [https://grrrr.org/arts/projects/odem/]
26. Juli 2002 - ISMEAM Sarvar (Ungarn)
Titel: Odem
Plattform: Homepage des Komponisten
Herausgeber: Thomas Grill
Datum: Juni 2002
Empfohlene Zitierweise
mica (Aktualisierungsdatum: 6. 12. 2023): Grill Thomas . Odem. In: Musikdatenbank von mica – music austria. Online abrufbar unter: https://db.musicaustria.at/node/209368 (Abrufdatum: 28. 2. 2025).